Online Personalized Writing Instruction


All students need a strong reading and literacy background to be successful in life.



High-quality, expert tutoring give your student an edge. Tutoring is the single most effective tool for learning, practicing, and gaining targeted skills. An expert tutor works one-on-one with your student to help them achieve their fullest potential. There are numerous researched-backed reasons to hire an expert tutor for your child.

Here are 5 solid advantages that high-quality tutoring offers

Advantage 1

Tutoring is the most effective educational intervention

• The research on high-dosage tutoring shows that results are robust (EdWeek, 2020).
• On average, the effect sizes [of high-quality tutoring] are among the largest of all interventions seen in education.

Advantage 2

One-to-One teaching allows customization & personalization of learning

• One-to-one teaching is the ultimate personalized learning experience.
• In tutoring, teachers can better customize teaching to the specific content gaps a student has missed or the prerequisite skills they need to practice.
• It’s easier for a student to develop a relationship with a tutor they see at dedicated hours several times a week.

Advantage 3

Tutoring boosts student confidence

• As they make progress, students gain skills, practice strategies, and develop greater confidence.

Advantage 4

The 2 Sigma Effect

• The average student in the Tutoring condition performed 2 standard deviations better than the average student in the classroom.
• Because standard deviations are represented with the Greek letter sigma, this result is known as the 2 sigma effect.
• Quality tutoring outperforms classroom teaching in maximizing student learning.

Advantage 5

Students learn best in a caring and supportive environment

• When students feel cared about, they are more motivated to learn.
• Support and compassion are necessary components for student learning, motivation, and retention.


Covid has been challenging for reasons beyond health and wellness. One of its most significant effects is student learning loss.


Curriculum Associates found that “more students are two or more grade levels below their actual grade level this fall than before the pandemic began” (2021).


Older students are less likely to attend or continue college as a result of Covid interruption (New York Times, 2022).


High-quality tutoring is the most effective way to address learning loss, gaps in understanding, and missed education resulting from the ongoing Covid crisis.


A sustained, targeted, student-by-student approach that devotes time to remediating learning losses through tutoring and extra attention” can help get students back on track (New York Times, 2022).


Covid has been challenging for reasons beyond health and wellness. One of its most significant effects is student learning loss.

Curriculum Associates found that “more students are two or more grade levels below their actual grade level this fall than before the pandemic began (2021)”

Older students are less likely to attend or continue college as a result of Covid interruption (New York Times, 2022)

High-quality tutoring is the most effective way to address learning loss, gaps in understanding, and missed education resulting from the ongoing Covid crisis.

A sustained, targeted, student-by-student approach that devotes time to remediating learning losses through tutoring and extra attention” can help get students back on track (New York Times, 2022)


Tutoring programs can help your child develop study and learning skills that will help set up your child for success for his or her entire life. There are many advantages of high-quality tutoring:

Your student will receive an individualized learning experience unequaled in a classroom setting. A skilled tutor customizes the lessons and activities just for your child.


HIGH-QUALITY TUTORING LEADS TO HIGH-QUALITY LEARNING : On average, the effect sizes of one-on-one tutoring are among the largest of all interventions seen in education. –Education Week, 2020


Trust is everything, especially when it comes to your student. At Elite Writing Tutor, you can relax knowing your student is learning in a supportive, caring, trustworthy environment.

  • Secure online platform

  • Excellent teacher-parent communication

  • Respectful language, content, and expectations

  • Credentialed, expert teaching

  • High student expectations supported by scaffolded learning

  • Research-based practice



Elite Writing Tutor meets students where they are and builds them toward where they want to go.

All students deserve the personalization and attention that encourages strengths while also identifying and working with weaknesses. Expert instruction considers the whole student and honors where they are in the learning process. Through 1-to-1 instruction, ongoing formative assessment, scaffolded content, and continual feedback, student growth is encouraged and supported in each session.


How Student Gaps & Needs are Addressed:

  • Initial and ongoing assessments in writing and reading

  • Expressive and fluency reading practice

  • Critical reading skills and practice

  • Understanding of student learning and special needs

  • Research-based teaching strategies

  • Scaffolded content adjusted for individual student

  • Constructive, immediate feedback

  • Student discussion, reflection, and re-visiting of progress

  • Student portfolios of writing and literacy work

  • Goal-setting and conferencing

  • Practice, revision, modeling in the writing process

  • Use of strategies, processes, and planning

  • Use of rubrics, guidelines, and outcomes

  • Challenging, developmentally-appropriate curriculum
